Scouts and Gold Prospecting in Ohio

Our Chapter believes in educating our youth on minerals, prospecting, and land rights.  Without edudcating our youth, all of our rights to prospecting and accessing land will be lost with one generation.  We owe it to the next generation to make sure those rights still exist for their kids.  

Our Scout Liaison, Tony Ledford, is certified by the Boy Scouts of America to work with Scouts on their Mining in Society Merit Badge.  Troops visiting the Swank Lease will learn about the following:

  • History of Gold and Minerals in Ohio
  • How to Prospect (Panning, Sluicing, Dredging)
  • Mineral Identification and Uses
  • More....

We also welcome Scout troops, both Boy and Girl Scouts to have camp out weekends on the property as part of their education.  These could be one or two day camp-outs.  We also welcome families to join us at our monthly Chapter meetings, April-November.  

For more information on our Scouting programs, please email Tony Ledford at Your email will be responded to as soon as possible.