We would love to have you join us at one of our meetings or events!  Below is our 2025  Schedule of Events.  Check back often as this list will be updated.

February 22-23 - BCGPAA Booth at Midwest Gold & Treasure Show - Lebanon Indiana
March 8- March Meeting.  Pub House 123 123 Harding Way E Galion, OH 44833. 11:00AM. Potluck at 12:00. Meeting at 12:30PM.
April 5-6 - BCGPAA Panning Demos at Columbus Mineral Fossil & Gem Show at Ohio Expo Center.
April 12 - April Meeting.   TBA
May 3 - Ohio State Panning Championship - Swank Claim.  10:00AM 
May 10- May Meeting.  Swank Claim.  Prospecting store opens at 10:00AM.  No common dig.  Cleanup meet for Fossick.  Bring lawn tools.  Potluck at 12:00PM.  Meeting at 12:30PM.  
June 14-15
 - Annual Fossick Invitational.  Common digs, beeper hunts, speed panning, duck races and more.  More information coming soon!
July 12
 - July Meeting.  Swank Claim.  Prospecting store opens at 10:00AM.  Common Dig at 10:00AM.  Potluck at 12:00PM.  Meeting at 12:30PM.  Common Dig resumes immediately following meeting. Prospector Swap Meet - browse and buy / bring and sell!
August 9
- August Meeting.  Swank Claim.  Prospecting Store opens at 10:00AM.  NO COMMON DIG.  Cleanup party for Gold Rush instead.  Bring trimmers, chainsaws, gloves, etc to help cleanup for Gold Rush. Potluck at 12:00PM.  Meeting at 12:30PM.
August 30-31 - Ohio Gold Rush Days.  Swank Claim.  Common digs, metal detecting, auctions, speed panning, kids games, food and more!  More information coming soon!


October 11 - October Meeting.  Prospecting store opens at 10:00AM.  NO COMMON DIG.  12:00PM Potluck Lunch.  12:30PM Meeting. Officer elections for the 2024-2025 season.  Kids candy and pumpkins.  Costume Contest  6th Annual Marvin Heinberger Crockpot Cook-Off.
November 8
 - Annual Thanksmas meeting.  Swank Claim.  10AM.  Swap Meet.  Potluck at 12.  Meeting at 12:30
December 13 - Meeting TBA

Meeting Locations - Our warm weather meetings take place at the Swank Claim West at the corner of Gatton Rocks Rd and Cutnaw Road between Bellville and Butler, OH. Cold weather meetings are announced on a monthly basis with location determined at that time.

Swank Claim Address: 1099 Cutnaw Rd. Bellville, OH  44813
GPS Coordinates: N 40° 35.885' W 082° 27.602'
